
1 x large sweet potato

1 x medium red onion

1 x medium courgette

2 x medium parsnips

1 x garlic bulb

1/2 x tbsp fresh thyme

1 x tbsp (heaped) of coconut oil

Salt  and pepper to tast


Sharp knife

Chopping board


Baking tray

Vegetable peeler


  • Wash all vegetables and cut sweet potato, courgette, parsnips and onion into medium size pieces
  • Place cut vegetables in a bowl and smother with coconut oil, mix with hands if needed – also, if vegetables are organic the skin can be left on.
  • Transfer vegetables to the baking tray and sprinkle on the thyme evenly.
  • Roast vegetables until they are soft – around 40 mins, 180 degrees C.
  • Peel away garlic skin to reveal the pieces of garlic

Eating suggestion

Enjoy vegetables with a side salad and balsamic dressing plus salt & pepper to taste. I like to  dollop some houmous on the side too. Other vegetables could include: asparagus, butternut squash, baby leeks, tomatoes, aubergine, beetroot, carrot, cauliflower and broccoli.