Understanding what the menopause is and how it affects you is one thing but then be told you have to cut out the food you love to help you during this transition and beyond is another.
I want to show you how easy it is to make healthy & cleaner meals that will nourish your body. Foods that will support your
hormones, improve your mood, weight loss, give you zest for life and put that bounce back in your step.
My book is classed as an introduction to the menopause and to eating ‘MORE RAW’ plant based foods for the woman who has not been acquainted with this way of eating before.
The purpose of my book is to inform you about what is going on with your body during the menopausal years and how you can support the symptoms associated with it by eating more food that is in its natural state. I will show you a way to make delicious food that is very nutritious and flavoursome.
There is no excuse for not enjoying food when it is in its RAW state – you just need to be shown how.
Lorraine Palmer is an expert on RAW foods who writes for Funky RAW magazine, she’s been featured in Chat, Daily Mail and graced the front cover of Wolverhampton (lifestyle) Magazine. She is the coauthor of the following no.1 best-selling books My Creative Thoughts (Expert Insights, 2016) and Women of Faith – Their untold stories revealed (BY Publishing, 2016).
Since premiering the film HOT FLASH HAVOC in the UK (2013), she has been on a mission; teaching others about adopting a different way of nourishing your body by eating more RAW (plant based) & Vegan foods. ‘Eating this way relieved my own menopausal symptoms and fuelled my passion to disseminate this information to all, especially women as they are the main nurturers of the planet’ says Lorraine.