Are you approaching the menopause and feeling sluggish & tired?

“I’ll eat healthy tomorrow… next week …” Is that you?

Is your waistline disappearing & your hips joining your stomach?

Do you want to feel vibrant?

Raw Food in a Flash is for you

If you answered yes to any of these questions you’re probably at that stage in life where you are starting to notice what you eat really does affect how you feel. You may even notice you cannot eat your favourite food without feeling bloated or weighed down. Even worse, certain foods may bring on symptoms associated with the menopause such as hot flushes (flashes), irritability, acne, depression, constipation, fatigue and weight gain.

Understanding what the menopause is and how it affects you is one thing but then be told you have to cut out the food you love to help you during this transition and beyond is another.

What if I told you that you can support your menopause symptoms and experience great tasting food at the same time?

I’m going to assume you said “yes” since you are still reading.

I want to introduce you to a way of eating that will revolutionise your relationship with food. I don’t say this lightly because that is what happened with me. My name is Lorraine Palmer, I’m a RAW Food Chef, Coach, Mentor & Author. I started my RAW food Journey many years ago when I was suffering from my menopause symptoms. I am now symptom free and feel great more than ever. I now show others about the wonderful world of RAW Food and how they can make foods that will easily rival cooked food especially on taste, texture and nutrition.

I want to show you how easy it is to make healthy & cleaner meals that will nourish your body. Foods that will support your
hormones, improve your mood, weight loss, give you zest for life and put that bounce back in your step.

My new book is part self care guide and part raw food recipes aimed at women who are peri, post-menopausal and anywhere in between. Having found relief from my own menopause symptoms by eating vegan and raw foods, I now want to share this information with you as it will help you too.

My book is classed as an introduction to the menopause and to eating ‘MORE RAW’ plant based foods for the woman who has not been acquainted with this way of eating before.

Lorraine gave us a most informative insight into RAW FOOD and made us realise what a really good thing it is. She brought along some of her foods that she had dehydrated into crisps and they were delicious. Some little fancies which also tasted delicious. I know one or two of our ladies have an allotment and will be trying to do some of the things which were suggested at our meeting. Her enthusiasm for her subject is contagious and we wish her well.
Meg Gough

Springdale Wives, Wolverhampton

The sections within this book will include my own menopause story, the science behind the menopause, managing the menopause and of course RAW Food recipes that will propel you to RAWDOM! I have also included sections on getting you ready to embrace eating More RAW too. I have not left anything out for you to embrace eating your very best.

The purpose of my book is to inform you about what is going on with your body during the menopausal years and how you can support the symptoms associated with it by eating more food that is in its natural state. I will show you a way to make delicious food that is very nutritious and flavoursome.

There is no excuse for not enjoying food when it is in its RAW state – you just need to be shown how.

RAW FOOD IN A FLASH will kick start YOU on your RAW food journey to making tastier plant based foods.

  • Get started eating more RAW foods because of the TASTE, not just because you know it’s the right THING to do.
  • Know how to get MORE out of your RAW foods WITHOUT it costing the earth.
  • SAVE TIME and use my EXPERIENCE to eating ‘MORE RAW’
  • Feel VIBRANT, banish old eating HABITS & feel GREAT inside and out.
  • Just the RAW tonic for YOU!
Having never experienced raw vegan food I have to say it was really tasty and I have already started trying out some of the recipes that Lorraine showed us in the demo.
Pauline Martin


The amazing delicious RAW food. It was beautifully presented with love and totally delicious every mouthful dancing on my tongue. Moans of delight… yum yum 🙂 I didn’t even miss hot food at all.
Belinda Cole


“When I heard about Lorraine Palmer and her Raw food menus I thought no one will get me to eat raw food, Then I spoke to her and she explained what it was all about I was so excited to meet her and see how her food worked, my team went to her house and we were invited to watch her cook the most delicious meal I have eaten! One word Genius,
Lorraine’s passion for Raw food is bursting out of her every day and I totally understand why. She made Courgette pasta with home made pesto. I was so impressed and couldn’t wait to make sure that her recipe featured in my community cookbook. Lorraine I wait in anticipation for your very own Raw Food cookbook please sign mine and thank you for continually sharing good nutritious food”
Tonia Daley-Campbell


About Lorraine Palmer – RAW Food Chef, Mentor, Coach & Author

Lorraine Palmer is an expert on RAW foods who writes for Funky RAW magazine, she’s been featured in Chat, Daily Mail and graced the front cover of Wolverhampton (lifestyle) Magazine. She is the coauthor of the following no.1 best-selling books My Creative Thoughts (Expert Insights, 2016) and Women of Faith – Their untold stories revealed (BY Publishing, 2016).

Since premiering the film HOT FLASH HAVOC in the UK (2013), she has been on a mission; teaching others about adopting a different way of nourishing your body by eating more RAW (plant based) & Vegan foods. ‘Eating this way relieved my own menopausal symptoms and fuelled my passion to disseminate this information to all, especially women as they are the main nurturers of the planet’ says Lorraine.